The World Trade Organization is the only one international organization dealing withthe regulation and norm of trade between *** its heart are the WTO agreements,negotiated and signed by the large amount of the world\'s trading nations and ratified in theirparliaments, the goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers leadtheir *** Trade Organization (WTO) welcomed Kazakhstan 162nd member in30th November *** accession will surely have significant impact for Kazakhstan\'sEconomy, this will put its trade relations with other 163 WTO members and trading partners,into a rule-based, transparent and predictable system, hence free from *** that Kazakhstan could fully utilize all instruments of the WTO, particularly the disputesettlement *** basic spirits of the WTO, such as openness, transparency and non-discrimination will reach out to 17 million more *** we know WTO can bringadvantages and disadvantage *** how WTO will affect to the economy of Kazakhstan,especially how will impact to the export as indicator of trade, such as trade determineseconomic development of the country, export import play very important role all over theworld and for every state.\n The purpose of this research is to study the problems and prospects that will faceKazakhstan after the accession to the *** purpose of the research involves thefollowing tasks:\n An analysis of the impact of Kazakhstan\'s Membership to the WTO on the ExportTrade.\n Based on the experience of other countries to determine the possible impact of WTOaccession on Kazakhstan\'s Export.