For quite some time in the past, the global development pattern had been characterized as 'strong north vs. weak south' and 'dominance by the north over the south'. But, since the beginning of the new century, with the collective rise of the developing countries as represented by the BRICS, the pattern of world economy has undergone a profound change, affecting the global development pattern fundamentally. Its main features show as follows: the position of the developing countries in the global development pattern has changed and the development cooperation at the global and regional levels has entered a new historical period, meanwhile new challenges have emerged in the global development environment. As a result, there should be someone in today's world to engage in a global thinking different from the past to formulate a positive, sharable and cohesive global development outlook that can lead and stimulate common action, on behalf of the international community as a whole and common public interests of the world, including those excluded and marginalized from the mainstream in the process of global class differentiation. As a major developing country on the rise, China is making her new development outlook heard to the world, and moreover interpreting and practicing such a new development outlook by her own action.